Data Centers Market: A Booming Growth!
The arrival of 5G communications, Big Data, machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT), as well as greater penetration of the Cloud and the Internet in general, are exponentially fueling the growth of new Data Centers globally, with a particular trend towards Edge Computing and Hyperscale infrastructures.
Furthermore, according to the latest EUROSTAT 2021 report, it appears that up to 60% of Italian companies have their IT and business services located in the Cloud, consequently leading providers to update the overall performance of their installations and systems.
Data Center infrastructures are becoming increasingly complex and technologically advanced, while at the same time they must guarantee very high standards in reducing energy consumption, total management costs and carbon emissions. Consequently, more and more operators in the sector meet at important events such as Data Center Nation in Milan (the largest Data Center cluster in Italy), to discuss the challenges they will have to face in order to make Data Centers increasingly efficient and sustainable.
With the participation of 85% of the largest Data Center operators and companies, DCN Milan is the flagship event in Italy and an unmissable opportunity to keep up to date on the latest trends in the sector. Data Center Nation in Milan is also the first of 4 events to be held between 2022 and 2023 and which will continue in Istanbul, Dubai and Warsaw, markets in which the demand for new infrastructures is booming.
Riello UPS could not be missing from such an event. We will be at booth 13 with our UPS NextEnergy, Sentryum, MultiPower and Sentinel Dual Modular MBB solutions.
Key topics: Digital Transformation & Data Center Edge, Hybrid IT and Multi-Cloud Strategies, Data Center Lifecycle & TCO, Data Center Financials & Investments
Get more details abaut the event
(*) Credits: EUROSTAT 2021 Report
"Cloud computing - statistics on the use by enterprises" - Data extracted in December 2021