Munich - Bavaria, 25. Aprile 2018 - The innovative solution of uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) presented by Riello and RWE convinced the jury of experts
Riello Power Systems (the German subsidiary of Riello UPS) and its partner and customer RWE Supply & Trading received the first prize in the " Datacenter- Energietechnik " category ( Energy Solutions for Data Centers) of the prestigious Deutsche n Rechenzentrumspreis es (DRZP) , the "Oscars" of the Data Canter . The award was presented during the gala evening of April 24 organized in conjunction with the conference "future thinking", Darmstadt.
The uninterruptible power supply "Riello Master +", developed by a synergy between both companies was awarded as the innovative product. Improve the quality and safety of the data center power supply and at the same time reduce installation and operating costs - these were the goals of Riello and RWE at the "Future thinking " of Darmstadt . The two companies presented a new generation of uninterruptible power supplies ( UPS ) at the Data Center congress , in which the energy stored in the batteries can be marketed actively in the electricity grid .
"We have combined our expertise to develop an innovative UPS solution", s i congratulates Dr. Hans-Günter Schwarz, who for RWE Supply & Trading is involved in the development of new business models and deals with the introduction to the new market product . Dr. Schwarz continues : "Our system defines a new market reference for our customers as it reduces initial investment costs and running costs, while simultaneously increasing the reliability and quality of the power supply. "
Currently in each Computing Center or Data Center are installed UPS that uses no batteries as an energy reserve to be used in case of power failure, but fortunately it happens rarely . This means that UPS and batteries are used very little . This leads to an operational inefficiency to which we must add that often the functionality of the batteries is not checked as much as it should be with consequent reduction of the reliability of the whole system . RWE offers to the industry the opportunity to sell the 'accumulated energy in batteries connected to the UPS, in the electricity market regulation. This energy capacity can be used to manage imnbalance between demand and energy supply from renewable sources (PV, wind). Today, intelligent UPS systems, decentralized on the territory , can collaborate with large power plants to the stability of the electricity network both for transposition and distribution.
The customer who chooses this solution has multiple advantages: "It uses a UPS system and" Premium " type batteries , with an oversized accumulation capacity (that can be eventually use as extended time on battery mode) and an integrated battery supervision system (BMS) ", explains Ing. Luca Buscherini, Riello UPS marketing director "but at the same time costs are lower than a UPS-conventional battery system, as RWE takes charge of a part of the initial investment and the battery operating costs" Dr. Schwarz continues . The reliability of the 'whole system” increase because the batteries and the' UPS are continuosly tested and overviewed.